Friday, October 30, 2009

inoperable tumor

"I survived a war did you know that?

I survived a war where they put bodies into mass graves where there was once a playground.

I survived the deaths of family; my parents, my brothers, my sisters. Then I survived the death of my wife and child where they starved to death in a refuge camp.

I survived the lost of my country - of hearing my mother tongue spoken of and knowing what it feels like to have a place to call home.

I survived.

And I will survive the lost of my legs. If I have to, I'll survive it, okay?

But Derek."


"There's always a way.

When things looks like there's no way, oh, there is a way. To do the impossible, to survive the unsurvivable, there's always a way.

And you...

You and I have this in common - we're inspired. In the face of the impossible, we're inspired.

So If I can offer one piece of advice to the world's foremost neurosurgeon;

today if you become frightened, instead become inspired."

-isaac, grey's anatomy.

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